Grupo Básico Español – lección veinte

Buenos días señores y señoras. Bienvenidos a la lección veinte de la clase de español.

It is St Valentine’s Day on Thursday. This is celebrated in Spain, much as it is in Britain, it’s a good excuse to sell chocolate, flowers, cards and romantic meals out. In Latin America, it’s celebrated as El Día del Amor y la Amistad (the Day of Love and Friendship) and it’s an excuse for random acts of kindness as well as cards, chocolates, etc.

In Ecuador, where my son and family are living at present, one of the country’s important exports is roses. My son was married at a hacienda in Cayambe on the equator. Although on the equator, it’s sited at 9,000 feet, so the weather is perfect for roses and they grow in massive poly-tunnels to keep the bugs controlled and to avoid rain marking the petals.

For about $20 we filled the pick-up. Lucy’s sisters made table decorations, I did the altar garlands with the help of the hacienda owners’ two young daughters and we had so many left that we filled the fountain in the central courtyard full of them.

People in the USA must be feeling romantic this year because Ecuador’s exports of Valentine’s Day roses are up more than 3% to 18,000 tonnes.

Anyway, I thought we should mark Valentine’s Day with a poem by Pablo Neruda, a Chilean poet who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971.

His poetry translates well into English and is also fairly easy to read in Spanish. The poem I’ve chosen is Puedo Escribir los Versos más Tristes Esta Noche.

It’s perhaps a bad choice for Valentine’s Day because it’s about lost love and it contains the line: Es tan corto el amor, y es tan largo el olvido

Love is so short, forgetting is so long.

Pablo Neruda (here he is) was a poet, diplomat and politician. Neruda’s most famous work is Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair (1924) and he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971. He would have probably won it earlier, but for his political beliefs. He was a prominent South American communist, a supporter of Cuba and Che Guevara and was viewed by the US and CIA as a dangerous insurgent.

Neruda occupied many diplomatic positions in various European countries and served a term as a Senator for the Chilean Communist Party. When the Chilean President Gabriel González Videla, under American pressure, outlawed communism in Chile in 1948, a warrant was issued for Neruda's arrest. Friends hid him for months in the basement of a house in the port city of Valparaíso before he escaped through a mountain pass into Argentina.

Years later, Neruda was a close advisor to Chile's socialist President Salvador Allende. When Neruda returned to Chile after his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Allende invited him to read at the Estadio Nacional before 70,000 people. Can you imagine 70,000 people turning up to listen to a poetry recital in this country?

Neruda was in hospital being treated for prostate cancer when the American-backed coup by Augusto Pinochet overthrew Allende's government. Within days, Neruda was murdered. It was long reported that he died of heart failure, but the Interior Ministry of the Chilean government issued a statement in 2015 acknowledging that "it was clearly possible and highly likely" that Neruda was killed as a result of "the intervention of third parties". Just another victim of Pinochet.

Neruda is considered the national poet of Chile, and his works have been popular and influential worldwide. The Colombian novelist Gabriel García Márquez called him "the greatest poet of the 20th century in any language"

Anyway, you can decide. Here’s the poem, set to a dramatic Argentine tango.

In case any of you are thinking of getting romantic and poetic in Spanish, here’s a little help:

Te amo mucho/tanto – I love you a lot.
Yo te amo [insert name here] y quiero pasar el resto de mi vida contigo – I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Te amo con todo mi corazón - I love you with all my heart
Amar en soledad es como un pozo sin fondo - Loving alone is like a hole without a bottom
Te amaré hasta el fin de los tiempos – I Will love you until the end of time

Right, that’s enough of that …


For homework last week, I asked you to translate the following sentences:

Our neighbours are very friendly - Nuestros vecinos son muy amables.
He is handsome and intelligent, but very unfriendly - Es guapo e inteligente, pero muy antipático.
Jane is a fun person - Jane es una persona divertida.
I like Ian, but he is very boring - Me gusta Ian, pero él es muy aburrido.
Can you believe Mike, he is such a fool? ¿Puedes creer a Mike, él es tan tonto?
John is total extrovert - John es un extrovertido total
William is very shy, he never speaks - William es muy tímido, nunca habla.

If we wanted to say William can be very boring, what would we say?

William puede ser muy aburrido.

How would we say: William is very bored.

William esta muy aburrido

So we use ser in the first sentence because the fact that he is boring in an inherent characteristic. In the second instance, we use estar because we are talking about a state which may, or may not be, temporary.

We also had to write some descriptions for three famous people. Who wants to read their offering?

Last week we started to learn how to tell someone we were ill and what was wrong. Let’s have a refresher:

What’s the word for a pain? Dolor
What’s the word for a dull pain? Dolor sordo
How would you say: I have a headache? Tengo dolor de cabeza
If you have a migraine, you need to say: tengo jaqueca
What is the word for ear? La oreja.
How would you say: I have earache? Tengo dolor de oreja.

Do you remember the verb meaning to hurt? Doler.
How would you say: My back hurts? Me duele la espalda.

The verb to fall is Caer, if it’s you doing the falling (rather than the British Economy), then you make it reflexive (Caerse) because it’s something you do to yourself. The preterite (simple past tense) I fell is caí and because it’s reflexive you have to say: me caí. It sounds a bit like the cry you might make if you fell.

If you want to say he or she fell, use the preterite. It is cayó but it still needs to be reflexive.

How would you say: my son fell? Mi hijo, se cayó.

How would you say: I fell and now my arm hurts? Me caí y ahora me duele el brazo.
How would you say: My husband fell and his arm hurts? Mi marido, se cayó y le duele el brazo.

Can you remember the word for broken? A broken arm is el brazo roto.
Can you say: My wife fell. Her arm hurts. I think it is broken. Mi mujer se cayó y le duele el brazo. Creo que está roto.

The word for wrist is muñeca (it’s the same as doll). Can you say: I fell and my wrist hurts. Me caí y me duele la muñeca. Creo que está roto.

Sentir is to feel, Sentirse is the reflexive form. If you feel ill, it is you, yourself that feels it, therefore you need to use the reflexive form (as in caer). You also need those reflexive pronouns …

I don’t feel well – no me siento bien.
How would you say: I feel ill – me siento enfermo.
How would you ask your husband or wife if they felt ill: ¿te sientes enfermo?
How would you tell the doctor your child feels ill: mi hijo, se siente enfermo.

OK, we’re going to take a look at last week’s videos in a bit more depth. They were pretty awful videos, but they did have a lot of good dialogue.

¿Cómo se siente hoy?
Me siento terrible
Me duele todo el cuerpo
¿Se siente cansada y débil?
No puedo dormir por la noche
¿Dónde se siente dolor exactamente?
Abra la boca
Saque la lengua
A ver – let’s see
¿Qué es lo que tengo?
Me parece que tiene un resfriado
A useful phrase is: Me parece que tiene razón – It appears you are right.
Mañana ya se sentirá mejor
You can say: espero que se sentirá mejor pronto
Recetar – to prescribe

Me siento que me estoy muriendo
Tengo moqueo nasal, ojos llorosos y sigo tosiendo y estornudando
No te preocupes
Me siento náuseas
Me duele la garganta
A lo mejor tiene gripe
Other ways to say “maybe” - tal vez, quizás o a lo mejor
Creo que debes ir al médico mañana
Tienes razón
Necesito tomar medicina

Let’s have a look at some common holiday problems:

Tengo picadura de insecto – I have an insect bite or sting – Sam’s insect ear
Tengo una erupción o Tengo un sarpullido – I have a rash
Me pica o me está picando – it itches, por ejemplo: la pierna me pica mucho
Tengo quemaduras solares – I have sunburn
Estoy sin aliento – I am breathless
Mi nariz está mocosa – my nose is runny. How would you say: I have a runny nose? Tengo una nariz mocosa.
Estornudar – to sneeze. Por ejemplo: No puedo parar de estornudar
Tengo un corte en el pie – I have a cut on my foot
Una resaca – a hangover.
Estoy preocupado
He sido mordido por una serpiente
Me ha picado por una medusa

I have an insect bite

It is on my arm

I have a rash

It is on my left leg

I have sunburn

It is on my arms

 My leg is very itchy

It has been like that for about a week

I have a bad headache

It has been like that for two days

My ear aches

It is only my left ear

I have a cough

I am allergic to penicillin

I have fallen and my knee hurts

It is my right knee

I am breathless

When I walk upstairs

I have an allergy

My nose is runny

I am sneezing all the time

I do not have a cough

I cannot sleep

I am very tired

My back hurts

I have played golf twice this week

I have a cut on my foot

I did it on the beach

I have a hangover

I only had a few beers

The doctor may prescribe a number of things. He may ask:

¿Es alérgico a algún medicamento?

You can say: Soy alérgico …

Por ejemplo: “Soy alérgico a la penicilina” o “Soy alérgico a los yesos”

Note that we use ser and not estar because an allergy is a permanent condition.

What might you be offered?

Las pastillas, los comprimidos y las tabletas are all words for tablets.
El jarabe is a syrup
El ungüento y la pomada are words for ointment
La crema is a cream
Las gotas are drops
El sobre is a sachet

How will you take them?

Las cucharadas are spoonfuls. Por ejemplo: Tome una cucharada, tres veces al día.
Frótelo  means to rub it. Por ejemplo: Frótelo en la espalda.
Masticar means to chew. Por ejemplo: Mastique una tableta después de las comidas.
Tomar means to take and Deber means you should. Por ejemplo: Debe tomar unas tableta antes de las comidas.

You can also use Tener. Por ejemplo: Tiene que tomar unas pastilla dos veces al dia.

To ask how you should take the medicine, you can say: ¿Como debo tomar esta medicina? o ¿Como tengo que tomar estas pastillas?

Of course, the doctor might not offer you medicine. What do these sentences mean?

Necesitas hacer más ejercicio: you need to do more exercise.
Deberías hacer dieta: you should go on a diet.
Tienes que perder peso: you have to lose weight.
Debes beber menos alcohol: you should drink less alcohol.
Come más frutas y verduras frescas: eat more fruit and fresh vegetables.
Duerme más, ve a la cama más temprano: Get more sleep, go to bed earlier.
Te preocupas demasiado, intenta relajarte: you worry too much, try to relax


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