Classes start again in September

Classes will start again on September 19th, 10am to noon at the Copeland Centre, Bretton.

Subs will be £6 per term (to pay for the hall rental) and £1 for printing and pens. Tea and coffee will be available at break, with the usual contribution to keep funds topped up. This has been 10p per tea and 15p per coffee. I believe that Anita will co-ordinate our drinks fund. Biscuits are by kind donation, with birthdays and holidays a good excuse to donate!

Anyone in the current class who wishes to continue will have a place reserved if they have put their name down. New people will be accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis.

The book we will be using is Sueños World Spanish (Book 1). You might also find Collins Easy Learning Spanish Grammar and Collins Easy Learning Spanish Verbs useful companions. These are all available secondhand on Amazon or at high street bookshops.

We have a Facebook page: which contains dates, news, references and exercises. For those not on Facebook (and unwilling to join) there’s also a blog version on:

Because we are a mixed ability class, we may divide the group into beginners and advanced for the first hour. I’ll take the beginners and Lucia will work with the more advanced members. You may learn some Latin American words and pronunciation, but you will still be understood in Spain. We will try to include much more Spanish conversation practice into our sessions. After coffee break, we’ll come together for some joint exercises.
The emphasis will be on practical Spanish.

Classes have been great fun and very sociable. We don’t want to lose that element.
It’s also been great to have had input from class members, who have taken charge while John has not been around. Provided there are willing volunteers, I think it would be great to try to keep some involvement, perhaps with members leading a module as part of our regular class. We can explore that in the new term.

For reference, my contact details are:
Eric Rayner
T: 01733 270137
M: 07889 553916

Please get in touch if you have any questions. Helping in the class will be my daughter-in-law, Lucia Rojas Rodriguez, who is from Quito, Ecuador.


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