
Showing posts from August, 2017

Lesson format for next term

We have decided on a slightly different lesson format for next term. This is the plan (no doubt it will be tweaked during the course of the term): First 45 minutes The class will work in two groups (basic and advanced). For the first term, the basic group will work through Sue ños c hapters 0 to 10 with Eric , while the advanced group work on language in a role-play situation (eg shopping) with Lucia. In the second term, we will work as a single group, running through Sue ños (chapter 10 onwards) together. Coffee and biscuits (15 min). Verb of the week – each week, we will look at a new verb and various conjugations in the present and preterite. We will also learn the gerund and past participle (15 min). Spanish conversation – no English allowed (10 min). Song, video, poem or story (20 min). Each week, we will look at a song, poem or story in Spanish. Class members read Spanish – ¿H abéis hecho algo esta semana ? ( 15 min ). We are looking f