
Showing posts from April, 2019

Website e-mail

I think the new U3A website may have mailed everyone asking them to confirm they are interested in Spanish. No need to respond to me, nos vemos el martes. Here's the technical explanation: Hi all, I have some disappointing news and some better news for you. You were all kind enough to send in lists of your members, and we diligently loaded them into the system before we went live thereby preventing emails going t each member telling them they were now members of groups they already thought they were in. Now for the bad news - We had to do a system wide update of all members for something unrelated to your groups, but that process inadvertantly knocked many of the members out of groups - so your lists are less than complete. Now for the slightly better news.  I am going to go through them all and bring them back up to how they should be. Now for what I suggest you do - as I accept them into your groups they will each get an email telling them they are now in

Language learning forms

Some of you have been kind enough to take questionnaires to fill in for Poppy Young, who is researching into whether learning a second language can improve confidence and wellbeing in older people. She's asked me to check that for questions 4 and 15 in the ‘language beliefs’ section, you have only picked one of the options? A few of her nan’s friends did a practice, and although most were fine, she noticed a couple of them ticked their level of agreement with each option rather than just the column matching the statement they agreed with most (e.g. if you agree with statement 2 most, please only tick column 2). If you've clearly put a cross next to the one you agree with most or circled it, that’s also absolutely fine though – as long as it’s clear. Poppy says thanks to everyone for helping and she's promised to bring biscuits when she visits the class in May.

Grupo Básico Español – lección veintiseis

Grupo Básico Español – lección veintiseis Buenos días a todos. Bienvenidos a la lección veintiséis de la clase de español. Don’t forget! This is the last class for April, we are back on May 7 and have 10 classes before the summer break. From September, I may run a Basic Spanish class and a Basic Plus class, it depends upon numbers. Next term, I’ll make a list of those interested and whether you can do mornings or afternoons. We’ll see whether we have enough people going forward. PhD student Poppy Young and her work. Forms and visit in May to do some interviews. OK, now we start Chapter 10, which is all about travel, buying tickets and checking times – really useful stuff if you’re travelling around Spain or the Spanish-speaking world. Before we catch the bus, however, I want to teach you a Spanish phrase that can mean lots of different things and I guarantee you will never forget it! Español en cinco minutos La frase es: eso sí que es Why won’t yo